Topics & Glossary

A-B Trust | Administration | Administrator | Advance Healthcare Directive | Agent | Alternate Beneficiary | Ancillary Probate | Annual Exclusion | Applicable Exemption Amount (or Estate Tax Exemption Amount or Unified Credit) | Appraise | Ascertainable Standard | Ask Three Questions | Attorney-in-Fact | Basis Step-Up | Beneficiary | Beneficiary Designations | Blended Family | Bypass Trust | Charitable Lead Trust | Charitable Remainder Trust | Closing Estate | Codicil | Community Property | Conservatorship | Creditor Claims | Cremation | Custody Order | Death Certificate | Deed of Gift | Disclaimer | Distribution Agreements | Durable Power of Attorney for Finances | Elective Share | Estate Freeze | Estate Inventory | Estate Liquidity | Estate Planning | Estate Tax Portability | Estate Tax Returns | Exempt Property | Executor | Fiduciary | Final Income Tax Return | Financial Power of Attorney | Guardianship | Gifting Strategies | Grantor | Heir | Holographic Will | Incapacitated | Independent Administration | Inheritance Tax | Insurance Trust | Intestate | Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) | Irrevocable Trust | Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship (JTWROS) | Keogh Plan | Last Will and Testament | Legal Pronouncement of Death | Letters of Administration | Letter of Testamentary | Life Estate | Living Trust | Living Will | Marital Deduction | Marshaling the Assets | Mediator | Medicaid Planning | Net Estate | No-contest Clause | Nuncupative Will | Personal Property Memorandum | Postnuptial Agreement | Power of Attorney | PreNeed Insurance | Probate | Probate Attorney | Probate Documents | Probate Estate | Probate Fees | Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT) | Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT) | Q-Tip Trust (Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust) | Residuary Estate | Renunciation | Revocable Living Trust | Revocable Trust | Settle an Estate | Special Needs Trust | Stepped-Up Basis | Succession Planning | Successor Trustee | Surviving Spouse | Tax Basis | Testamentary Trust | Testator/Testatrix | Title Documents | Totten Trust | Trust | Trust Documents | Trustee | Unified Credit Shelter Trust | Uniform Probate Code (UPC) | Uniform Simultaneous Death Act (USDA) | Will | Will Contest

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z