We Make Starting Hard Conversations With Your Parents Easy

Start The Conversation About Aging With Your Parents

Starting a conversation with your parents about their estate and end-of-life plans can be challenging, but it’s one of the most crucial discussions you can have. Our “Start the Conversation With Your Parents” facilitation service is here to make this process easier.

Start the conversation with your parents

How to Start The Conversation About Estate Planning and End-of-Life Tasks With Your Parents
(In Three Easy Steps)

Starting a conversation with your parents about their estate and end-of-life plans can be challenging, but it’s one of the most crucial discussions you can have. Below is a three step process to help you easily start the conversation with your parent(s).

Step One

Use your results from the quiz below to get an understanding of how prepared you are to manage your parent(s) affairs in the event something were to happen to them.

Step Two

Use your results from the quiz above to start the conversation with your parents. Below are three examples of what you can say or text to them to get the conversation started.

“Mom/Dad, I took a quiz about estate planning and I’m surprised by the results. Next time I see you, can we chat?”

“Hey Mom/Dad, I recently completed a quiz on estate planning and found the results quite eye-opening. When are you free to talk?”

“I just took this interesting estate planning quiz and was really surprised by what I learned. Can we talk about it the next time we get together?”

Step Three

Start Thinking About The Best Way To Organize Their Estate Information