Planned Giving Communication Strategies

Enhance your outreach with proven communication strategies that inspire and educate your community about the impact of planned giving.

Image of money jars with plants growing out of them

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful planned giving program. It’s not just about informing potential donors about the options available—it’s about inspiring them to take action and make a lasting impact through their giving. This page will guide you through key communication strategies to engage your community, educate your supporters, and motivate them to include your organization in their legacy plans.

Developing a Communication Plan

The first step in any successful outreach effort is to create a comprehensive communication plan. This plan should outline your goals, target audience, key messages, and the communication channels you will use. Consider how you will integrate planned giving messages into your existing marketing efforts, including your website, newsletters, social media, and direct mail campaigns.

Crafting Your Message

Your messaging should be clear, compelling, and tailored to your audience. Focus on the emotional and practical benefits of planned giving—both for the donor and for the impact their gift will have on your organization’s mission. Use storytelling to highlight real-life examples of how planned gifts have made a difference, and emphasize the legacy that donors can create.

Segmenting Your Audience

Not all supporters are the same, and your communication strategy should reflect that. Segment your audience based on factors such as age, giving history, and engagement level with your organization. Tailor your messages to resonate with each segment, whether you’re reaching out to longtime supporters, younger donors, or those who have already expressed interest in planned giving.

Leveraging Multiple Channels

To maximize your reach, use a variety of communication channels to promote planned giving. This might include:

  • Email Campaigns: Send targeted emails that educate your supporters about planned giving options and the benefits of including your organization in their estate plans.
  • Social Media: Use social media platforms to share stories, testimonials, and educational content about planned giving.
  • Website Integration: Dedicate a section of your website to planned giving, complete with resources, FAQs, and a simple way for donors to request more information or notify you of their intentions.
  • Newsletters: Include regular planned giving features in your print or digital newsletters, highlighting donor stories, planned giving options, and the impact of legacy gifts.

Hosting Educational Events

Educational events are an excellent way to engage your community and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions about planned giving. Consider hosting seminars, webinars, or workshops that explain the various options available, the tax benefits, and the ways in which planned gifts can make a lasting impact. These events can also be an opportunity to connect with professional advisors who can further guide potential donors.

Incorporating Testimonials and Donor Stories

One of the most powerful ways to inspire others to consider planned giving is by sharing the stories of those who have already made such commitments. Highlight these stories in your communications to illustrate the meaningful connections and impacts that planned gifts have created. Testimonials from satisfied donors can also help demystify the process and encourage others to take similar steps.

Building Relationships through Ongoing Communication

Planned giving is often a long-term consideration for donors, so maintaining regular communication is crucial. Keep donors informed about your organization’s achievements, the ongoing need for support, and how their future gifts will contribute to your mission. Regular updates can help keep your organization top of mind as donors finalize their estate plans.

Get Started Today

Ready to take the next step? Let us help you create a tailored planned giving strategy that aligns with your organization’s mission and goals.

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