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List all your assets (property, investments, savings) and liabilities (debts, mortgages).

Related Resource
Estate Summary Worksheet

Decide who will inherit your assets. This can include family, friends, and charities.

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Beneficiary Designation Checklist

Appoint a trusted person to carry out the terms of your will. This should be someone responsible and organized.

Related Resource
Questions to Ask When Choosing an Executor

If you have minor children, designate a guardian to care for them in the event of your passing.

Related Resources
Questions to Ask When Selecting A Legal Guardian For Your Children
Guardianship and Conservatorship Checklist

Research the specific requirements for creating a will in your state, such as necessary signatures and witnesses.

Related Resource
Check Your State’s Will Requirements

Outline any specific items or amounts of money you want to leave to particular individuals.

Write your will using clear and precise language. You can use a lawyer, online software, or a template.

Related Resource
Create Your Will

Sign your will in the presence of the required number of witnesses as per your state’s laws.

Related Resource
Check Your State’s Will Requirements

Keep your will in a secure place, such as a safe or with your lawyer, and ensure your executor knows where to find it.

Periodically review and update your will to reflect changes in your assets, relationships, or state laws.

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