Can a Will Be Overturned After Probate?

When someone passes away, their will typically goes through a legal process called probate. During probate, the court oversees the distribution of the deceased person's assets according to the instructions laid out in their will. However, there are situations where individuals may question the validity of a will or believe that it should be overturned even after probate has been completed. In this article, we will explore the circumstances under which a will can be overturned after probate.

Challenging a Will After Probate

Once a will has gone through probate and the assets have been distributed, challenging the validity of the will becomes more complex. However, it is not impossible. To challenge a will after probate, interested parties must typically file a lawsuit in court. Common reasons for challenging a will after probate include:

  • Fraud or forgery

  • Undue influence

  • Lack of capacity

Fraud or Forgery

If there is evidence to suggest that the deceased person's signature was forged or that the will was altered fraudulently, interested parties may seek to have the will overturned. Proving fraud or forgery can be challenging and often requires expert testimony and thorough investigation.

Undue Influence

Undue influence occurs when someone exerts pressure on the deceased person to change their will in a way that benefits the influencer. If it can be proven that the deceased was coerced or manipulated into making changes to their will that they would not have otherwise made, the will may be overturned.

Lack of Capacity

For a will to be considered valid, the deceased person must have had the mental capacity to understand the implications of their decisions when creating or amending the will. If it can be shown that the deceased lacked the mental capacity to make informed decisions regarding their will, the will may be deemed invalid.

Time Limit for Challenging a Will After Probate

It is essential to note that there are time limits for challenging a will after probate. These time limits vary by state and jurisdiction, so it is crucial to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific deadlines that apply in your situation.

Final Thoughts on Challenging a Will After Probate

Challenging a will after probate is a complex legal process that requires strong evidence and legal expertise. While it is possible to overturn a will under certain circumstances, it is essential to seek guidance from a qualified attorney to navigate the complexities of estate law effectively.



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