Advance directive vs. living will: What’s the difference?

When it comes to planning for the future, understanding the differences between an advance directive and a living will is crucial. These legal documents play a significant role in ensuring your healthcare wishes are followed when you are unable to communicate them yourself. Let's delve into the distinctions between advance directives and living wills to help you make informed decisions about your healthcare preferences.

Advance Directive

An advance directive, also known as a healthcare directive or medical directive, is a legal document that outlines your preferences for medical treatment in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself. It allows you to appoint a healthcare proxy or agent who will make healthcare decisions on your behalf based on your stated wishes.

Key Points about Advance Directives:

  • Allows you to specify the type of medical care you want to receive or refuse.

  • Can include instructions regarding life-sustaining treatments, such as CPR or ventilator use.

  • Ensures your healthcare proxy follows your wishes if you become incapacitated.

Living Will

A living will is a specific type of advance directive that focuses solely on your medical treatment preferences. It details the kind of care you wish to receive or avoid in various medical situations. Unlike a durable power of attorney for healthcare, a living will does not appoint a specific individual to make decisions on your behalf.

Key Points about Living Wills:

  • Addresses your preferences for end-of-life care, such as palliative care or hospice.

  • Specifies your choices regarding life-prolonging treatments in terminal conditions.

  • Guides healthcare providers and family members on your medical treatment wishes.

Main Differences

The primary distinction between an advance directive and a living will lies in their scope and focus. While an advance directive encompasses a broader range of healthcare decisions and appoints a healthcare proxy, a living will specifically addresses your preferences for medical treatments without designating a decision-maker.


Understanding the variances between advance directives and living wills empowers you to make informed choices about your healthcare preferences. Whether you opt for an advance directive that appoints a healthcare proxy or a living will that outlines your treatment wishes, both documents serve to ensure your medical decisions align with your values and beliefs.



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